Topic: How to configure/Map AD Properties with Sharepoint User Profile Properties
Description: This procedure provides enough information to map Sharepoint User Profile Properties with relevant AD attributes which would be necessary to import/export the value
Current procedure assumes that user profile Sync connection has already been configured and the user who is performing this task is a Farm administrator
Table of contents:
1.How to Map a User profile property with an AD Attribute
1.1. Open Sharepoint Server on which Central Administration site is enabled
1.2. Open Central Admin by selecting ‘Run as administrator’
1.3. Select ‘Manage service applications’
1.4. Check for UserProfile Service Application’
Note: Name can be different and hence check for Type
1.5. Click on the name of ‘UserProfile Service Application’
1.6. Make sure ‘Profile Synchronization Status’ is idle or running
1.7. Select ‘Manage User Properties’
1.8. Select the User property to be mapped and then click on ‘Edit’
ei Work email
1.9. Navigate to the ‘Add New Mapping’ section
1.10. Select the relevant property in the ‘Attribute’ dropdown and then select the ‘Direction’ of the sync
Import Imports the value from the AD
ExportExports the value to AD
1.11. Click ‘Add’ and make sure property mapping is added properly
1.12. Click OK located at the bottom of the page
1.13. Once all of the properties are mapped , make sure to run a full sync of the user profiles
Note: Without performing a full sync these changes will not be saved
Follow the steps 1.1 - 1.16 and open ‘Start Profile Synchronization’
1.14. Select ‘Start Full Synchronization ‘
Select Start Full synchronization and click OK , wait untill full sync is complete before checking the changes