Project Milestones, is an easy, simple way to visually summarise the status and progess of a project on a page. This is all managed within the app on screen and is not linked to a list in the site contents.

Project Milestones has the following capabilities:
- Easily manage milestones within the App on screen on the page.
- Add as many or as few milestones as required by clicking the blue +
- Easily change the order of the milestones using the up and down buttons.
- You can choose how you want to display due date or ass a subtitle, with the free text field Estimated Completion Date (or subtitle)
- Actual due date is stored in the Overdue Date field. This will automatically change the milestone to red on screen when the status is in progress or not started.
- 3 status to choose from to easily display :
- No Started (Blank Circle)
- In Progress (Spot in Circle)
- Complete (Tick in Circle)
Work Instructions
- Add the "Project Milestone" web part to the page.
- Click "Configure"
- Fill out the fields:
- Title - Visual Milestone name on screen
- Estimated Completion Date (or subtitle) - Visual Due date or subtitle on screen
- Status - Dropdown options:
- No Started (Blank Circle)
- In Progress (Spot in Circle)
- Complete (Tick in Circle)
4. Overdue Date - This is what will change the milestone colour to red for Not Started or In Progress tasks that pass.
5. To add a new project milestone click the blue + (Plus / Add sign) to add as may as required.
6. You can reorder the milestones if required by clicking the up and down arrows.
7. once you've finished, click "Submit".
8. Go into the webpart as required to update the status / due date / information etc. as required.