Our users have been asking for it for a long time and its finally here - Contact Directory & Organisation Chart - we are calling it
People Hub.
It's a quick, intuitive, and interactive organisation chart, empowering employees to discover people, resources and capabilities around the organisation.
A powerful corporate directory, providing easy ways to find people, and see where they fit in the organisation.
Additionally, we’re improving our people web parts with new visual designs and content sources, providing content editors with more ways of listing people.
Our updated news interfaces are based on modern designs, and provide significantly more advanced capability, incorporating likes, comments, view tracking, interactivity, finding related news articles, and exploring news based on tagging and filtering.
This is the first major update to our publishing news functionality since our first release. This new interface has been in development for some time, and is based on aggregating requirements from custom implementations across various customers. This releases' news enhancements include:
- significant increase performance, stability and page load times.
New summary web part that is can be configured to filter by category
Ability to like, comment and track article views
- News Hub that allows users to find and filter all of your news in place
- New fields for news article to better convey your message
- Related News web part to increase user adoption
- Share news articles to yammer
Easily discover news articles within your organisation using News Hub. A major enhancement on previous versions of Sproket, News Hub makes finding articles fast.
The "News Summary" web part that is typically added to your homepage and other landing pages.
We have introduced a new “Comments” web part, which can be added to any page. Adding this web part provides the same powerful new comment engine for any content on your intranet. Comments are now standard on all news articles can be disabled on specific news articles where required.
We welcome feedback on these new features from our customers.
Improved authoring
You asked us to make it easier to add and edit web parts, and we listened.
- We've updated and tweaked the "Configure" panels in Sproket.
- We've moved the global “Sproket settings” modal to use the new configure-style panels.
- For new instances of these web parts, we've switched to authoring using the configure button:
- Quick Links
- Weather
- Contact Search
- Countdown Timer
- We added more ways to show and filter contacts, and we added multiple contact sources.
Improved interface
- We’ve improved the quality and design of user interface controls across Sproket.
- We've the ribbon 'apps' and 'favourites' buttons quicker and more consistent.
- We've extended your corporate brand settings further throughout the product, particularly in the new web parts.
- We've fixed bugs and made performance improvements, particularly for slower/older browsers and devices.
We would love to hear your feedback on this release or any features you would like to see included within a future release. Thanks for reading.